Visit Brady’s Store

T-shirts, glassware, CD’s and more! Check out the merchandise at Brady’s Store.
Check my Facebook Page

I’m posting my current status and live streaming music from my facebook page. Please visit for more!
Piano Can Play the Blues – Live at the Round-up
Brady Goss
Eric Starr, owner of Northwood Public House & Brewery
Our patrons mark their calendar for Brady’s shows. His energy and musicianship blows the room away every time!
John Dunnigan – Musician, Songwriter, Entertainer
He is the best!!!!
Martin Sexton – Guitarist, Singer, Songwriter
Tough act to follow!
Ellen Whyte, multi-award winning Singer/Songwriter
Brady is one of the rare gems in the world of music. He’s soulful, charming, energetic, high-spirited, captivating, and commands his performances like a seasoned pro!
Brady Goss coming to Arizona in March 2020

You don’t want to miss Brady Goss, piano and vocal entertainer, when he tours through Arizona. Please check back soon!
Roland Janes – Original Sun Studio Guitarist
This kind of talent is very rare and only comes on the scene once or twice in a lifetime. For me, this is the second of two.(Referring to Brady Goss and Jerry Lee Lewis)